My aim is simple. Life is just not fun enough. I have therefore embarked on the arduous task of making your life more fun. Be thankful - its hard work for me.

About / Contact Me

About me

I am a teenager. I live in the UK (so many of my blogs will be UK relevant). I don't want to tell you anything else.

What I do for you is what I want you to know.

I work hard to support this blog (blah, blah, blah - don't you believe it). I have a whale of a time - and just you remember it. I have the arduous task of selecting videos to put on the (yup, you guessed it) videos page, and I write brilliant articles about anything that catches my fancy.

Feel free to contact me and ask me a question, I will always try to answer you (so long as its not on the FAQ's page which I dont have). I will try to make my answer as wittingly funny as the blog posts you will find here.

Contact Me
Please feel free to contact me:
You can get me on:
(Beware that some of those just relay my posts, but feel free to follow me :D)

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